Camden Asset Management, L.P. (“Camden”) is a California Limited Partnership founded in 1991.
Camden’s principal owner is Harpenden Corporation, an S-Corp solely owned by John Wagner. Harpenden
Corp owns 65% of Camden. The remaining partners are employees of Camden.
Camden provides advisory services to private investment vehicles (“funds”) and to separately managed
accounts (“separate accounts,” and collectively with funds, “clients”). Camden is the general partner of one
fund that is a limited partnership (Yield Strategies Fund II, L.P.), the manager of twelve funds that are
limited liability companies (Equity Overlay Fund, LLC, Camden Bonds Plus Fund LLC, Long Duration
Fund, LLC, Gamma 1, LLC, Aggregate Fund, LLC, Camden Credit Fund, LLC, Camden Long US
Corporate Fund LLC, Camden Credit Alpha Plus Fund LLC, Camden Alpha Strategy LLC, Camden
Universal Bond Fund LLC, Camden Spread Diversifier LDI Fund LLC, and Camden LDGC Credit
Diversifier Fund LLC), and the investment adviser to one fund that is an offshore corporation (Yield
Strategies Fund II, Ltd.). Camden directs and manages the investment and reinvestment of each client’s
assets and provides reports to clients and fund investors. Camden manages the assets of all clients in
accordance with the terms and investment guidelines of the management agreements and fund governing
documents applicable to each client.
All clients have one of two general strategies: hedged and long-only. The majority of Camden’s clients
a hedged strategy where Camden invests in convertible bonds, convertible preferred stocks, and
warrants on a hedged basis. Camden purchases (or sells) the convertible securities and sells (or buys) stock,
bonds and/or options against these purchases (or sales). Where permitted by investment guidelines, Camden
also engages in capital structure arbitrage where different classes of securities within the same capital
structure are purchased and sold short. Most positions are in US issuers, although some clients may also be
invested in non-US issuers. In the long-only strategy, Camden invests in long convertible bonds and
convertible preferred stocks.
Most hedged clients have a benchmark return (such as the S&P 500 Index, Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate
Bond Index or other such bond index, or Treasury bills). Camden purchases futures to seek to replicate
exposure to the related benchmark. The investment objective for such clients is to outperform the return of
the benchmark over time.
Separate account clients impose investment restrictions as negotiated in their investment management
agreement. The individual needs of fund investors are not the basis of investment decisions by Camden.
Investment advice is provided directly to the funds and not individually to fund investors.
As of December 31, 2023, Camden managed $8.6 billion in discretionary regulatory assets across 18 clients.
Camden does not manage any non-discretionary assets. However, for Camden’s separate accounts, the
client selects the benchmark.